We Keep You Safe, Supplied, and Compliant
Stay on top of workplace safety standards as set down by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
Keeping your workplace prepared for emergency isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s the law. These OSHA and ANSI compliant kits are the first step towards workplace safety.

Wall-Mountable First Aid Stations
These wall mountable First Aid stations contribute to an environment of safety and come preloaded with ANSI compliant materials.
Handy First Aid Kits
OSHA regulations state that an employee must be able to reach a First Aid kit in approximately one minute. These easy to move, easy to store kits are a quick way to satisfy regulations and keep your workplace safe.
- Essential First Aid Kit for 5 People
- ANSI Class A 25 Person Bulk First Aid Kit
- 113 Piece Plastic Case First Aid Kit
- Unitized ANSI Compliant Class B Metal Kit

Blood Loss
While bleeding control kits are not an OSHA mandate, in a country with rising gun violence, the importance of blood loss prevention is more important than ever before. Be prepared for the unthinkable.